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Showing posts from June, 2021
                    Of What Relevance is the Oroko Music and Artists to the Oroko People? By Jackson Nanje At my early entry into the music production business, I sought the advice of Sango Emile Kangue, Ben Decca, Polo Banlog and Prince Ndedi Eyango. They told me of the difficult road ahead and what I must do to overcome the embedded difficulty if I intend to stay in the music production business. These icons have been of extreme relevance to me as I continue to make better with each production and with each artist. The purpose however of this write up is to bring the Oroko people and the Oroko artists to an understanding, which will demand that the people (who are more than five hundred thousand in numbers) reward the hard work of the artists and musicians by purchasing their products so as to enrich and reward them and equally push them to make better music and videos. The Oroko artists and musician have proven to us that they are quite capable of making good music if they are ha