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G.H.S Nyasoso Aerial View Photo Albums > NYASOSO CAMPUS: QUINTESSENTIAL BEAUTY View: By: jerrynnangeh File Name: n/a Posted: Oct 19, 2008


NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (NEXSA) CONSTITUTION Preamble « Mindful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general and the Cameroonian Law relating to the freedom of Association in particular. « Mindful of the creation of G.S.S. Nyasoso in 1974 and its evolution till date; « Mindful of the unity that characterizes all the ex-students of the said institution, unity based on the unique academic spinal cord; « Mindful of the much-needed solidarity among all the ex-students and the natural necessity to uphold our ALMA MATER; We the Alumni of G.S.S. Nyasoso and G.H.S. Nyasoso have decided to uphold this academic peculiarity by forming an association named Nyasoso Ex-students Association herein called NEXSA. PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS (NAME, PURPOSE, MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS) CHAPTER 1: DEFINITIONS 1.1 Alma Mater shall refer to the school G.S.S now G.H.S Nyasoso where the alumni studied. 1.2 Alumni shall mean all the ex-students who studied in G.S.S and or G.H.S