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National President's Speech

A KEYNOTE ADERESS BY THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF THE NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, NEXSA ON THE OCCASION OF THE FUND-RAISING GALA DANCE THIS DAY OF 7TH FEBRUARY 2009-02-07 - MR. CHAIRMAN - THE GENERAL COMMANDER OF THE 2ND COMBINED MILITARY REGION - DISTINGUISHED GUESTS AND MILITARY OFFICERS - GREAT NEXSANs - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN                        By Colonel Ajang Sone      Today is the 7th of February 2009 and here we are in the PARTY HOUSE in BONANJO for the NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Fund-raising Gala dance aimed at resurrecting the decaying structures of the erstwhile academic citadel-- our beloved ALMA MATER On behalf of the Nyasoso Ex-Students, I heartily wish to convey our sincere thanks each and everyone of you present here today for taking part in this event in spite of your busy and tight schedules. Your presence is ample testimony of your attachment to educational endeavours in general and friendship in particular. Yes, friendship because if each NEX

NEXSAN Activities of February 2009

ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS OF NEXSA FOR FEBRUARY 2009 1.THE FUNDRAISING GALA DANCE: Since the start of this year 2009, salient milestones have successively succeeded each other in the life of our Association. Though the successions do not resemble, they shared a common timing by taking place on the 7th  which  reminds one of God resting on the 7th day after his work of creation. Remember that on January 7th 2009 we had our Association legalized. Last February 7th, we successfully realized the fundraising gala dance despite the financial trying times around. This likeness in dates was less out of calculation than of coincidence. The gala was a night like none before for both NEXSA and their guests at the prestigious Bonanjo Party House.      An impressive and eclectic assemblage of NEXSANs, batch-wise and chapter-wise, partook in and of the occasion that was graced by important guests the host chapter members invited using their friendship, influence and connections. Batch-wise, NEXS

Presentation by Nexsans

Click on the slide below and enjoy the presentation by yours truly. Mr. Sam Nwanja drops some doses of Makossa dance

G.H.S Nyasoso Aerial View Photo Albums > NYASOSO CAMPUS: QUINTESSENTIAL BEAUTY View: By: jerrynnangeh File Name: n/a Posted: Oct 19, 2008


NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (NEXSA) CONSTITUTION Preamble « Mindful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general and the Cameroonian Law relating to the freedom of Association in particular. « Mindful of the creation of G.S.S. Nyasoso in 1974 and its evolution till date; « Mindful of the unity that characterizes all the ex-students of the said institution, unity based on the unique academic spinal cord; « Mindful of the much-needed solidarity among all the ex-students and the natural necessity to uphold our ALMA MATER; We the Alumni of G.S.S. Nyasoso and G.H.S. Nyasoso have decided to uphold this academic peculiarity by forming an association named Nyasoso Ex-students Association herein called NEXSA. PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS (NAME, PURPOSE, MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS) CHAPTER 1: DEFINITIONS 1.1 Alma Mater shall refer to the school G.S.S now G.H.S Nyasoso where the alumni studied. 1.2 Alumni shall mean all the ex-students who studied in G.S.S and or G.H.S