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By Jerry Ehabe Obviously, no two prize-award ceremonies can look alike, recycling of the same programme notwithstanding. Despite the fact that it was well planned in the National Executive Meeting that held in Yaound̩ a month earlier, the ceremony of this year was fraught with many mistakes and missteps that a huge potential for failure loomed large. The reasons for the feared failure were: - Very late beginning - No procession from the village as a result - Low turnout Р33 attendees, just 1/3 of previous attendance - Absence of Certificates of Excellence and - Late arrival of NEXSAN [book] prizes. But with the hand of Providence at work, the success achieved is worthy of note. Instead of 8:30 AM, the occasion started at 11:30 AM beginning with the National Anthem followed by the School Song [anthem] and then prayers led by Vice Principal Epie Zachary. After an interlude of live choral music by one of the School choirs the programme continued with

Minutes of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students' Association meeting

MINUTES OF THE 3RD QUARTER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING ON 16 OCT. 2010 By EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango Secretary General of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students’ Association 16 members attended this meeting that held in the Conference Room of Capitol Hotel commencing 2:30 PM. The adopted agenda featured 1. Prayers 2. School song 3. Scholarship 4. Preparedness for the AGM 5. Clash AGM / Presbyterian Day 6. Branch reports 7. Business venture 8. Re greening of the campus 9. Audit 10. Miscellany 11. Close In his opening speech, the National President remarked that this is the first National Executive Meeting after the change of hands in GHS Nyasoso Administration. That a stronger partnership, hopefully, be forged between the School and NEXSA. NEXSA is assuring the School of her unflinching support. After correcting the fact that the National Presi
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (NEXSA) IN BAMENDA ON SATURDAY 5TH DECEMBER 2009 by Fred Fondang Fombi THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT THE NATIONAL EXCO NEXSA THE BRANCH PRESIDENTS FELLOW NEXSANs It is my distinguished pleasure to stand here today on behalf of NEXSA, Bamenda Branch, to welcome you all who have come from all over the country to this annual general meeting which our Region has been given the privilege to host this year 2009. In a very loud voice, I say welcome Great NEXSANs! We pray that the Almighty God will be our special chairperson during our deliberations so that by his grace this noble alma mater shall grow from strength to strength. I want to congratulate all of you for your presence. In fact, we know the numerous commitments that entangle us in our daily lives and it takes a lot

A Tribute to Wana Paul Chebele

Tribute to Wana Paul Chebele By Fomenky Nobert Nkafu Well Paul, so you are really gone. I would have written this letter earlier; but I thought at the Mortuary in Bamenda, on seeing your corpse, like Lazarus and Jesus, you will get up and tell me you were only sleeping.That never happened. At the graveyard I still nursed hopes that it could happen. It never did and my tear glands went crazy.Fare thee well, friend, and remember us to Fortoh Tom, Epie Sabastine, Njomo Aloysius, Forzah Felix, Ekwoge Dave, Ekwo Samuel Malongo, Mah Maureen etc. When I last called you a fortnight before your departure, you could have told me that you were to visit Heaven.I would have rushed to say bye-bye. Pray for us as we do same here, but please plead with the Almighty to reduce the death rate in the World. Mr. Fomenky Nobert is a classmate and a good friend of the Late Wana Paul--May our good friend, Late Wana Paul, live in Peace and prepare heaven, which he has gone to, and which we shall all be going,

Presentation by GHS Nyasoso Girl's Senior Prefect

A PRESENTATION BY Ms. KADIRI SOLANGE-- THE SENIOR PREFECT GIRLS, ON THE OCCASION OF THE SILVER+10 JUBILEE GRADUATION AND PRIZE AWARD CEREMONIES ON THIS 23RD DAY OF MAY 2009 The Senior Divisional Officer, Kupe Muanengouba, The Divisional Officer Tombel Sub –Division, The Hon. Parliamentarian, The Lord Mayor Tombel Council, The Divisional Delegate Secondary Education Kupe Muanengouba, The National President NEXSA, The PTA, Principal, Staff and Students of G. H. S Nyasoso, Graduating Students and prize Winners, Distinguished Guest, ladies and Gentlemen It is with profound pleasure and honor that I stand here to express my gratitude to the school for the confidence bestowed on me and my team of school prefects to allow me deliver the welcome address on the thirty fifth (35th) anniversary of our school’s existence. Permit me praise the marvelous innovations that are being carried out by Nexsan President and the association to make our school a place to be. Today’s event marks the second tim


GHS NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER JUBILEE+10 FROM MAY 22nd – 24th 2009 IN NYASOSO By Jerry Ehabe Nnange-Masango In the life of humans, institutions, associations, organisations and nations, there is the tradition of commemorating or celebrating certain periods. Most institutions fall in the bracket that celebrates 25, 40 and 50 years interval of existence called silver, ruby or golden jubilee. GHS Nyasoso, under the auspices of NEXSA, was supposed to celebrate her silver jubilee in 1999 but for some managerial inadequacies at the last minute. This failure had an attendant effect in that thereafter, the Association fell into inactivity. The moribund Association thus became overweighed by the debt of not celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Alma Mater. Renascent in 2007, the Association charted a road map that comprised, inter alia, the paying of the debt by organising the celebration of the botched silver jubilee 10 years after. From 22nd – 24th May 2009, Nexsans from fa

A Thank you for contributing to the Diaspora Scholarship Initiative and towards a successful Jubilee +10 and Graduation and Prize Award Ceremonies

Thank you to al l for your contributions The Jubilee +10 and Graduation and Prize Award ceremonies have come and gone and while we wait for the Secretary General of the association to send out his elaborate report of the event as he has always done in the past, I want to herewith, thank members of the Diaspora who participated through our small but organized effort to make the events a reality. And to those who decided to participate directly with the Home Front rather than with the Diaspora Executive, we say to you thank you as well. The Diaspora initiative was based on achieving two goals; (a) to contribute towards the ceremonies, and; (b) to raise funds for the Diaspora Scholarship Initiative. Even though the amount we raised was disproportionate to the number of members we have in the diaspora, we still achieved our goals with the few members that participated. Even though the ceremonies have passed there are still enormous responsibilities we all owe to our alma mater. Each