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MINUTES OF THE 3 RD NEXSA NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING OF October 13, 2012 in Buea By Jerry Ehabe (Secretary General) The Meeting took place on October 13, 2012 in Buea in the residence of NEXSAN Regina Tendonge née Nasako, a non-EXEC member though. The Meeting was an enlarged one and was highly attended resources persons inclusive. Though it started quite behind schedule, it rolled out well with the following resolutions marking its outcome. 1.       A forth and last Executive Meeting will be held in Limbe on 17 Nov. 2012 at the residence of the Limbe Chapter President. 2.       The Annual General Assembly – AGM – of this year will take place on Sat. 1 st December 2012 in Limbe, an adjustment from the Limbe proposal of 27 Nov. 2012 to resolve the clash with the Presbyterian Church Day. 3.       The financial report gave an amount of 1.621.600 F CFA in the accounts. The details of this sum plus whatever will be transacted in the last EXEC meeting on 17 Nov. will featur


By Jerry Ehabe Obviously, no two prize-award ceremonies can look alike, recycling of the same programme notwithstanding. Despite the fact that it was well planned in the National Executive Meeting that held in Yaoundé a month earlier, the ceremony of this year was fraught with many mistakes and missteps that a huge potential for failure loomed large. The reasons for the feared failure were: - Very late beginning - No procession from the village as a result - Low turnout – 33 attendees, just 1/3 of previous attendance - Absence of Certificates of Excellence and - Late arrival of NEXSAN [book] prizes. But with the hand of Providence at work, the success achieved is worthy of note. Instead of 8:30 AM, the occasion started at 11:30 AM beginning with the National Anthem followed by the School Song [anthem] and then prayers led by Vice Principal Epie Zachary. After an interlude of live choral music by one of the School choirs the programme continued with

Minutes of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students' Association meeting

MINUTES OF THE 3RD QUARTER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING ON 16 OCT. 2010 By EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango Secretary General of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students’ Association 16 members attended this meeting that held in the Conference Room of Capitol Hotel commencing 2:30 PM. The adopted agenda featured 1. Prayers 2. School song 3. Scholarship 4. Preparedness for the AGM 5. Clash AGM / Presbyterian Day 6. Branch reports 7. Business venture 8. Re greening of the campus 9. Audit 10. Miscellany 11. Close In his opening speech, the National President remarked that this is the first National Executive Meeting after the change of hands in GHS Nyasoso Administration. That a stronger partnership, hopefully, be forged between the School and NEXSA. NEXSA is assuring the School of her unflinching support. After correcting the fact that the National Presi