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Minutes of NEXSA-USA Inc. Teleconference of March 11, 2013

After the usual banter as members joined the meeting, proceedings started at 7:40 pm eastern standard time. The President Mr. John Epie welcomed members who had taken the time to participate at the conference. He asked for a prayer before we start deliberations. Dr. Zac Nchinda led us in Christian prayer, calling on the Lord to be in our midst as we discuss matters that concern the wellbeing of our alma mater. The President then presented the agenda for the day: • The Nexsa Website • Membership registration and annual dues • Planning for the upcoming NEXSA-USA national convention in 2013 The president then called on Mr. Jackson Nanje, the NEXSA Diaspora Vice President to update members on the progress of our website project. The website: Mr. Nanje informed the group that he has held conversations with the national exco in Cameroon on this issue and by and large they agree that a website will be a good tool for NEXSA to advertise itself. He, however, came away with the

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                                 The National President, Col. Sone Ajang addressing members of the alma mater                               By EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango Secretary General (NEXSA)      Well, suffices to know this report is riding on Great Ebah Ntoko’s which for the sake of reference features after the end of this report. Without contradicting it, this report is a sequel that completes it.                                     But where should I start reporting?      With the over head banner?! But President Ebah Ntoko has already talked about it even though he forgot to mention that, given the nature of Limbe, where a myriad of activities take place as evidenced by the plethora of banners across major areas of the city at any given moment, that of NEXSA had a pride of place as it was the first that visitors saw as they made their way into Limbe before the others;                                                                         Or
MINUTES OF THE 3 RD NEXSA NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING OF October 13, 2012 in Buea By Jerry Ehabe (Secretary General) The Meeting took place on October 13, 2012 in Buea in the residence of NEXSAN Regina Tendonge née Nasako, a non-EXEC member though. The Meeting was an enlarged one and was highly attended resources persons inclusive. Though it started quite behind schedule, it rolled out well with the following resolutions marking its outcome. 1.       A forth and last Executive Meeting will be held in Limbe on 17 Nov. 2012 at the residence of the Limbe Chapter President. 2.       The Annual General Assembly – AGM – of this year will take place on Sat. 1 st December 2012 in Limbe, an adjustment from the Limbe proposal of 27 Nov. 2012 to resolve the clash with the Presbyterian Church Day. 3.       The financial report gave an amount of 1.621.600 F CFA in the accounts. The details of this sum plus whatever will be transacted in the last EXEC meeting on 17 Nov. will featur