EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango
Secretary General of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students’ Association
16 members attended this meeting that held in the Conference Room of Capitol Hotel commencing 2:30 PM.
The adopted agenda featured
1. Prayers
2. School song
3. Scholarship
4. Preparedness for the AGM
5. Clash AGM / Presbyterian Day
6. Branch reports
7. Business venture
8. Re greening of the campus
9. Audit
10. Miscellany
11. Close
In his opening speech, the National President remarked that this is the first National Executive Meeting after the change of hands in GHS Nyasoso Administration. That a stronger partnership, hopefully, be forged between the School and NEXSA. NEXSA is assuring the School of her unflinching support.
After correcting the fact that the National President gave a non refundable sum of One Hundred Thousand Francs CFA for the continuation of the re greening project of the campus, the minutes of the last meeting were adopted. In matters arising from the last minutes, it was decided that the reactivation tour of chapters should be embarked upon as soon as possible. It was lamentably noticed that none of the pledges to sponsor the tour has been redeemed. However, Douala Chapter, upon learning about the reactivation tour online, did pledge too and so far have raised 35.000 FRS which their treasure is going to hand to National NEXSA.
Major challenges on the agenda included:
THE CLASH in date between the forthcoming AGM and the Presbyterian Church Day---It was resolved that the 13 Nov 2010 for the AGM is maintained. The reason being that any other dates before or after was even more highly unsuitable because of further clashes.
SCHOLARSHIP: The prescription for eligibility for the Diaspora scholarship based on merit and need was considered unsuitable to be relied upon as a yardstick for short listing awardees. The Meeting is asking for possibility of Home / Diaspora NEXSA to jointly review the criteria for eligibility. Scholarship was considered related to merit, while need was considered tied to assistance. To use merit and need to award scholarship was in NEXSAN context, going to pose problems to determine who gets the scholarship. That if NEXSA intends to help the needy, we should tag the word Assistance without any academic meritorious undertones, while scholarship as a separate tag should be reserved for academic excellence irrespective of whether the student is poor or not.
BUSINESS VENTURE: proposals for any business ventures should be well researched and professionally written. Chief Peter Sanga the National Technical Advisor will at the AGM present a paper on the “other side of business” to enable us ascertain the feasibility of any business we will be engaging in.
PREPAREDNESS FOR THE AGM: Presented by Mewanu Divine from Kumba. That for the past 3 months they have focused their attention on the AGM. They have been having regular meetings and will have a last one before the AGM. They had tasked themselves and have realized their target. But they somehow over budgeted because they projected an attendance of 250 at the AGM. Drawing experience from past AGMs, the Meeting advised Kumba to foresee a population of 150 and, to adjust the budget accordingly. Kumba’s idea to produce special AGM T-shirts to sell to raise funds was discouraged on the grounds that though lofty, it will not yield as much profit as the making of a simple gadget like pin-ups to be sold at 500 FRS each and members will buy without much ado. Clarification was made on publicity: The National Executive as the Coordination Committee will handle publicity at the national level while, the hosting chapter will handle at the local. Kumba has already acquired the AGM venue which will double as venue for gala instead of the night club as was initially intended. This change has come about because of a previous lesson learnt from hiring a night club, besides being exorbitant. Kumba has requested the National Executive to be present in the last meeting they are going to have and will communicate the date of its holding. They concluded on a promissory note to do their best to make general NEXSA happy.
AUDIT: At the AGM, ad hoc auditing will be done and a report will be presented on that day. The two auditors will be determined in the AGM.
THE REGREENING OF THE CAMPUS: Reported by Epie Zachary. Of 80 willow trees planted, there is 35 % loss due to neglect by former Administration when this reporter was away for further computer training in Buea during last summer vacation. Also, goats are a problem to the trees. These goats even defecate in classrooms. In certain areas, the willows are not doing well because the soil fertility there has been depleted by eucalyptus that previously occupied those areas. The depleted areas will thus have to be left to fallow for a while to restore fertility. With Esong Jacob’s help of recruiting village hands, the eradication of elephant grass is largely successful. Epie Zachary, the NEXSA Home President cum Chief Discipline Master of GHS enthused that with the School now in NEXSA’s hands, the duo of him and the Principal as carriers of the vision will not sleep.
In response, the Meeting said
In order to protect our endeavours, that is, the planted trees:
- The School should request the Division Officer of Tombel to permit the School to pass an administrative injunction warning against stray animals on campus.
- The School should hedge the plants
- The School Administration should sensitize the school population on the environmental import of the trees.
Branch reports
Members are slow to respond to calls, except for festivities which are few and far in between. They are planning to welcome the new NEXSAN Principal and his team. His Chapter executive collaborators are not as committed as pledged. By the time they welcome the new GHS staff team, they will be able to ascertain the number of NEXSANs that will attend the Kumba AGM. The tendency of his members is to pay their levy at the heels of the AGM. The School is now being administered by those who bemoaned the School sometime ago; Principal Nhon Kome Evaristus, a seasoned History teacher; Vice Principal Nzuonkwelle Donald, a seasoned Mathematician who though not a NEXSAN, is however, a son of the soil; Mr. Ekiti, a seasoned Philosophy teacher and, one who is of the 1981 class of the school; Mr. Bughe J., a seasoned Physics and Computer teacher with a strong love for the School and finally himself Epie Zachary, a seasoned French Language and Computer teacher and one who was there at the very beginning of the School.
One of the first tasks the new Principal embarked on was to align his forces with existing efforts in the fight against the stubborn elephant grass on the campus. The second project was to stem the indiscipline that had gained hold of the School. Students have been stopped from going home during break. The canteen has been revived and food is sold in the refectory during break. With cooperation from the Principal, he the Chief Discipline Master engages overdrive to bring back the status quo ante, “retour en arriere” as he had once described it online. The boarding house has regained exemplary discipline. In short, discipline is near perfect.
With the methodical eradication of the elephant grass, restoration of discipline inter alia, he assured any impromptu visitors on campus will appreciate the change that has taken place.
The new Administration has identified the following priority needs:
- Painting of classrooms and other buildings
- Maintenance of roads
- Provision of hydroelectric generator
- Equipping of the computer laboratory.
- Lobbying for teachers at the Regional Delegation
- Motivation of staff at the end of the year.
The Meetings realized that by the sheer weight of these priorities they will be best handled by Government with NEXSA acting as lobbyist.
Report submitted by Chapter Vice President. That Chapter is functioning smoothly. Have newly registered members who are devoted. Have a monthly “njangi” where members are fully committed. But have observed that since the elections, former President Mr. Fombi has never attended Chapter meetings. Attempts to bring him and some other members in have failed. They pleaded the AGM scheduled for 13 Nov 2010 is moved to another date because of the National Presbyterian Day on 14 Nov 2010. Most of their members will not be in attendance if the occasion holds as scheduled. They also pleaded that whatever has to be published on the Internet should be censored or edited properly by the National Secretary because the minutes of the last National EXEC meeting raised a lot of dust in their Branch. They extended sincere condolences to the National President’s family for the death of their son. While pledging their loyalty to NEXSA, they wished her long life. Bamenda handed in 86.000 FRS (Eighty-six Thousand Francs) CFA for various contributions towards national NEXSA.
As reported by Chapter President---The Chapter was represented in the last National Executive Meeting in Kumba. The Chapter has not yet received contributions for Melle’s death from Yaoundé, Bamenda and Douala. The Chapter President lashed at the fact that the same 4 or 5 faces attend meetings. But during contributions, some absentees participate.
The chapter requests that the National Executive visit them first in the planned reactivation tour.
The Chapter President reported that contributions towards the AGM are still being done.
The Chapter held elections 2 months ago for a new executive. They try to mobilize ex-students to join the Association but those in senior positions are part of the Chapter’s low turn out to meetings. Of 30 registered members, 15 attend meetings regularly. They are yet to implement their “njangi” scheme since the fiscal year had advanced when they elected to embark on it. On socials, they offered a reception to Mr. and Mrs. Simen Michael who were in Yaoundé for a teachers’ meeting. When the National President was bereaved they sent a delegation for the removal at the mortuary in Buea and for the burial in Muebah.
KUMBA: Reported by Mewanu Divine. That Chapter is active with regular monthly meetings. Attendees are committed. For contributions towards the AGM they are going to host, their levies were open and this served as a motivation to not-so-well -to-do NEXSANs. Their “njangi” is still waxing strong and this serves as a binder, especially as turns to take is done by lot. The impending AGM has attracted ceremonial NEXSANs and they are open to them.
Having noticed non uniformity and digression in chapter reporting, henceforth, reporting will have to be harmonized. Consequently, it was decided that the General Secretariat should prepare a reporting format to enable the Association fulfill her vision and avoid digression in reporting. This format is going to be made available to chapters before the AGM so that reporting at the event and beyond will have to be in that format.
MISCELLANY: Internet connection. For a wide as possible network coverage, NEXSA has opted to procure 2 modem sticks, one from CAMTEL and the other from MTN, for ubiquitous Internet connection in the laptop. CAMTEL which is the main option will be rechargeable on a Pay-as-you-plan of FIVE THOUSAND FRANCS per month while MTN TWO THOUSAND FRANCS per month. This gives a total of SEVEN THOUSAND FRANCS CFA for NEXSA’s Internet monthly connection.
Stationery: As promised, the PR (I) Ebong Pende presented stationery for the National Secretariat. The items comprised papers, exercise book, pens, folder, envelops, stapler, trombons, cello tape and other sundries.
Excuses for absenting were received from:
- Ebah Ntoko Justice who was attending an important tribal meeting in Limbe
- Kang Glorine who did not get the long repeatedly publicized invitation
- Etube Valentine who could not make it
- Ejolle Joseph who could not be reached by phone in IT deprived Tombel due to power blackout.
- Bide Cletus who could not come because of involvement in organization of upcoming Agric show in Ebolowa.
Chapters represented at the Meeting were Bamenda, Kumba, Yaoundé, Buea, Bangem, Tombel and Nyasoso.
Detailed attendance:
V.P. Bamenda
Njong Margaret
Finance Secretary
Mewanu Divine
PR (I)
Ebong Pende
National President
Sone Ajang
Pdt Nyasoso
Epie Zachary
Pdt Buea
Forsac Dorothy
Lay member
Ewanzang Austin
Pdt Tombel
Ejolle Prisco
Nwanja Sam
National Technical Advisor
Sanga Peter
National Legal Advisor
Mesape Mado
Deputy National S. G.
Ebong Balbina
Web Moderator
Tanjoh Jerry
Pdt Bangem
Kome Etone Elvis
Lay member
Ngone Divine
Ehabe Eugene
National S.G.
Ehabe Jerry
The Meeting officially closed at 6:30 PM with entertainment of snack sponsored by the National President.
EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango
Secretary General of GHS Nyasoso Ex-Students’ Association
16 members attended this meeting that held in the Conference Room of Capitol Hotel commencing 2:30 PM.
The adopted agenda featured
1. Prayers
2. School song
3. Scholarship
4. Preparedness for the AGM
5. Clash AGM / Presbyterian Day
6. Branch reports
7. Business venture
8. Re greening of the campus
9. Audit
10. Miscellany
11. Close
In his opening speech, the National President remarked that this is the first National Executive Meeting after the change of hands in GHS Nyasoso Administration. That a stronger partnership, hopefully, be forged between the School and NEXSA. NEXSA is assuring the School of her unflinching support.
After correcting the fact that the National President gave a non refundable sum of One Hundred Thousand Francs CFA for the continuation of the re greening project of the campus, the minutes of the last meeting were adopted. In matters arising from the last minutes, it was decided that the reactivation tour of chapters should be embarked upon as soon as possible. It was lamentably noticed that none of the pledges to sponsor the tour has been redeemed. However, Douala Chapter, upon learning about the reactivation tour online, did pledge too and so far have raised 35.000 FRS which their treasure is going to hand to National NEXSA.
Major challenges on the agenda included:
THE CLASH in date between the forthcoming AGM and the Presbyterian Church Day---It was resolved that the 13 Nov 2010 for the AGM is maintained. The reason being that any other dates before or after was even more highly unsuitable because of further clashes.
SCHOLARSHIP: The prescription for eligibility for the Diaspora scholarship based on merit and need was considered unsuitable to be relied upon as a yardstick for short listing awardees. The Meeting is asking for possibility of Home / Diaspora NEXSA to jointly review the criteria for eligibility. Scholarship was considered related to merit, while need was considered tied to assistance. To use merit and need to award scholarship was in NEXSAN context, going to pose problems to determine who gets the scholarship. That if NEXSA intends to help the needy, we should tag the word Assistance without any academic meritorious undertones, while scholarship as a separate tag should be reserved for academic excellence irrespective of whether the student is poor or not.
BUSINESS VENTURE: proposals for any business ventures should be well researched and professionally written. Chief Peter Sanga the National Technical Advisor will at the AGM present a paper on the “other side of business” to enable us ascertain the feasibility of any business we will be engaging in.
PREPAREDNESS FOR THE AGM: Presented by Mewanu Divine from Kumba. That for the past 3 months they have focused their attention on the AGM. They have been having regular meetings and will have a last one before the AGM. They had tasked themselves and have realized their target. But they somehow over budgeted because they projected an attendance of 250 at the AGM. Drawing experience from past AGMs, the Meeting advised Kumba to foresee a population of 150 and, to adjust the budget accordingly. Kumba’s idea to produce special AGM T-shirts to sell to raise funds was discouraged on the grounds that though lofty, it will not yield as much profit as the making of a simple gadget like pin-ups to be sold at 500 FRS each and members will buy without much ado. Clarification was made on publicity: The National Executive as the Coordination Committee will handle publicity at the national level while, the hosting chapter will handle at the local. Kumba has already acquired the AGM venue which will double as venue for gala instead of the night club as was initially intended. This change has come about because of a previous lesson learnt from hiring a night club, besides being exorbitant. Kumba has requested the National Executive to be present in the last meeting they are going to have and will communicate the date of its holding. They concluded on a promissory note to do their best to make general NEXSA happy.
AUDIT: At the AGM, ad hoc auditing will be done and a report will be presented on that day. The two auditors will be determined in the AGM.
THE REGREENING OF THE CAMPUS: Reported by Epie Zachary. Of 80 willow trees planted, there is 35 % loss due to neglect by former Administration when this reporter was away for further computer training in Buea during last summer vacation. Also, goats are a problem to the trees. These goats even defecate in classrooms. In certain areas, the willows are not doing well because the soil fertility there has been depleted by eucalyptus that previously occupied those areas. The depleted areas will thus have to be left to fallow for a while to restore fertility. With Esong Jacob’s help of recruiting village hands, the eradication of elephant grass is largely successful. Epie Zachary, the NEXSA Home President cum Chief Discipline Master of GHS enthused that with the School now in NEXSA’s hands, the duo of him and the Principal as carriers of the vision will not sleep.
In response, the Meeting said
In order to protect our endeavours, that is, the planted trees:
- The School should request the Division Officer of Tombel to permit the School to pass an administrative injunction warning against stray animals on campus.
- The School should hedge the plants
- The School Administration should sensitize the school population on the environmental import of the trees.
Branch reports
Members are slow to respond to calls, except for festivities which are few and far in between. They are planning to welcome the new NEXSAN Principal and his team. His Chapter executive collaborators are not as committed as pledged. By the time they welcome the new GHS staff team, they will be able to ascertain the number of NEXSANs that will attend the Kumba AGM. The tendency of his members is to pay their levy at the heels of the AGM. The School is now being administered by those who bemoaned the School sometime ago; Principal Nhon Kome Evaristus, a seasoned History teacher; Vice Principal Nzuonkwelle Donald, a seasoned Mathematician who though not a NEXSAN, is however, a son of the soil; Mr. Ekiti, a seasoned Philosophy teacher and, one who is of the 1981 class of the school; Mr. Bughe J., a seasoned Physics and Computer teacher with a strong love for the School and finally himself Epie Zachary, a seasoned French Language and Computer teacher and one who was there at the very beginning of the School.
One of the first tasks the new Principal embarked on was to align his forces with existing efforts in the fight against the stubborn elephant grass on the campus. The second project was to stem the indiscipline that had gained hold of the School. Students have been stopped from going home during break. The canteen has been revived and food is sold in the refectory during break. With cooperation from the Principal, he the Chief Discipline Master engages overdrive to bring back the status quo ante, “retour en arriere” as he had once described it online. The boarding house has regained exemplary discipline. In short, discipline is near perfect.
With the methodical eradication of the elephant grass, restoration of discipline inter alia, he assured any impromptu visitors on campus will appreciate the change that has taken place.
The new Administration has identified the following priority needs:
- Painting of classrooms and other buildings
- Maintenance of roads
- Provision of hydroelectric generator
- Equipping of the computer laboratory.
- Lobbying for teachers at the Regional Delegation
- Motivation of staff at the end of the year.
The Meetings realized that by the sheer weight of these priorities they will be best handled by Government with NEXSA acting as lobbyist.
Report submitted by Chapter Vice President. That Chapter is functioning smoothly. Have newly registered members who are devoted. Have a monthly “njangi” where members are fully committed. But have observed that since the elections, former President Mr. Fombi has never attended Chapter meetings. Attempts to bring him and some other members in have failed. They pleaded the AGM scheduled for 13 Nov 2010 is moved to another date because of the National Presbyterian Day on 14 Nov 2010. Most of their members will not be in attendance if the occasion holds as scheduled. They also pleaded that whatever has to be published on the Internet should be censored or edited properly by the National Secretary because the minutes of the last National EXEC meeting raised a lot of dust in their Branch. They extended sincere condolences to the National President’s family for the death of their son. While pledging their loyalty to NEXSA, they wished her long life. Bamenda handed in 86.000 FRS (Eighty-six Thousand Francs) CFA for various contributions towards national NEXSA.
As reported by Chapter President---The Chapter was represented in the last National Executive Meeting in Kumba. The Chapter has not yet received contributions for Melle’s death from Yaoundé, Bamenda and Douala. The Chapter President lashed at the fact that the same 4 or 5 faces attend meetings. But during contributions, some absentees participate.
The chapter requests that the National Executive visit them first in the planned reactivation tour.
The Chapter President reported that contributions towards the AGM are still being done.
The Chapter held elections 2 months ago for a new executive. They try to mobilize ex-students to join the Association but those in senior positions are part of the Chapter’s low turn out to meetings. Of 30 registered members, 15 attend meetings regularly. They are yet to implement their “njangi” scheme since the fiscal year had advanced when they elected to embark on it. On socials, they offered a reception to Mr. and Mrs. Simen Michael who were in Yaoundé for a teachers’ meeting. When the National President was bereaved they sent a delegation for the removal at the mortuary in Buea and for the burial in Muebah.
KUMBA: Reported by Mewanu Divine. That Chapter is active with regular monthly meetings. Attendees are committed. For contributions towards the AGM they are going to host, their levies were open and this served as a motivation to not-so-well -to-do NEXSANs. Their “njangi” is still waxing strong and this serves as a binder, especially as turns to take is done by lot. The impending AGM has attracted ceremonial NEXSANs and they are open to them.
Having noticed non uniformity and digression in chapter reporting, henceforth, reporting will have to be harmonized. Consequently, it was decided that the General Secretariat should prepare a reporting format to enable the Association fulfill her vision and avoid digression in reporting. This format is going to be made available to chapters before the AGM so that reporting at the event and beyond will have to be in that format.
MISCELLANY: Internet connection. For a wide as possible network coverage, NEXSA has opted to procure 2 modem sticks, one from CAMTEL and the other from MTN, for ubiquitous Internet connection in the laptop. CAMTEL which is the main option will be rechargeable on a Pay-as-you-plan of FIVE THOUSAND FRANCS per month while MTN TWO THOUSAND FRANCS per month. This gives a total of SEVEN THOUSAND FRANCS CFA for NEXSA’s Internet monthly connection.
Stationery: As promised, the PR (I) Ebong Pende presented stationery for the National Secretariat. The items comprised papers, exercise book, pens, folder, envelops, stapler, trombons, cello tape and other sundries.
Excuses for absenting were received from:
- Ebah Ntoko Justice who was attending an important tribal meeting in Limbe
- Kang Glorine who did not get the long repeatedly publicized invitation
- Etube Valentine who could not make it
- Ejolle Joseph who could not be reached by phone in IT deprived Tombel due to power blackout.
- Bide Cletus who could not come because of involvement in organization of upcoming Agric show in Ebolowa.
Chapters represented at the Meeting were Bamenda, Kumba, Yaoundé, Buea, Bangem, Tombel and Nyasoso.
Detailed attendance:
V.P. Bamenda
Njong Margaret
Finance Secretary
Mewanu Divine
PR (I)
Ebong Pende
National President
Sone Ajang
Pdt Nyasoso
Epie Zachary
Pdt Buea
Forsac Dorothy
Lay member
Ewanzang Austin
Pdt Tombel
Ejolle Prisco
Nwanja Sam
National Technical Advisor
Sanga Peter
National Legal Advisor
Mesape Mado
Deputy National S. G.
Ebong Balbina
Web Moderator
Tanjoh Jerry
Pdt Bangem
Kome Etone Elvis
Lay member
Ngone Divine
Ehabe Eugene
National S.G.
Ehabe Jerry
The Meeting officially closed at 6:30 PM with entertainment of snack sponsored by the National President.