Monday, March 11, 2013

Minutes of NEXSA-USA Inc. Teleconference of March 11, 2013

After the usual banter as members joined the meeting, proceedings started at 7:40 pm eastern standard time. The President Mr. John Epie welcomed members who had taken the time to participate at the conference. He asked for a prayer before we start deliberations. Dr. Zac Nchinda led us in Christian prayer, calling on the Lord to be in our midst as we discuss matters that concern the wellbeing of our alma mater. The President then presented the agenda for the day:

• The Nexsa Website

• Membership registration and annual dues

• Planning for the upcoming NEXSA-USA national convention in 2013

The president then called on Mr. Jackson Nanje, the NEXSA Diaspora Vice President to update members on the progress of our website project.

The website:

Mr. Nanje informed the group that he has held conversations with the national exco in Cameroon on this issue and by and large they agree that a website will be a good tool for NEXSA to advertise itself. He, however, came away with the impression that there may be some lingering doubt about the necessity of a website by some members in Cameroon as this technology has not deeply penetrated the consciousness of the average person in Cameroon. In order to bridge the gap that exists between the website enthusiasts in the diaspora and the average Cameroonian membership Mr. Nanje volunteered that he plans to do a write up on this matter through our e-group to help sensitize members on the value of a NEXSA website.

On the website design, Jackson also mentioned the recent message we received from Elvis Ewane, a Nexsan with computer training from Finland who has presented his bid for the contract to do our web design. This came as some members, championed by Ms. Olive Ada, had suggested that we consider a Nexsan for this contract. Jackson reported that after discussions with Elvis and some members, he proposes that we go with Elvis Ewane. The discussion was then guided in the direction of “trust but verify” as Mr. Cho Stephen asked whether we know the quality of Mr. Ewane’s work before we give him this contract. Mr. Nanje confirmed that he is aware of some of Mr. Ewane’s work, and taken together with their conversation, and Mr. Ewane’s credentials, he believes that we have the right person. The assembly agreed that we go with Mr. Ewane.

The discussion shifted to the domain name. Should we have a,, etc. The president John Epie suggested that because we are a non-profit entity we should go with and his suggestion was echoed by Dr. Zac Nchinda and Mr. Cho Stephen. The assembly accepted to become our domain name.

Mr. Nanje proposed June 2013 as the timeline to get the website running and solicited ideas on content and format from members as well as financial support. The following members pledged financial support:

Mr. Epie Nabola – 50 dollars

Ms. Epie Evelyn –50 dollars

Dr. Nchinda Zac –50 dollars

Mr. Forka Dominic –50 dollars

Mr. John Epie –50 dollars

Mr. Jackson Nanje –50 dollars

Mrs. Mercy Esambe Manga –50 dollars

Other members who wished to offer any kind of financial support were advised to make direct deposits to the Nexsa-USA account and/or send checks to the treasurer Mrs. Assumpta Ebung Alobwede.

Membership registration and annual dues

The president called on members to pay their one-time registration of 25 dollars and annual dues of 50 dollars before the end of April 2013 to give us a head count on the strength of Nexsa-USA. For those who wish, checks can also be sent directly to the treasurer Mrs. Assumpta Alobwede. The president encouraged members present to remind those who did not participate in the conference to meet their obligations and consider the timelines for payments.

NEXSA-USA national convention in 2013

On this matter the president was a little hesitant considering what is observed as subpar participation by Nexsa-USA in conferences. He (the president) has wanted to start making preparations for the convention including securing a hall before it becomes too late. At this point Ms. Evelyn Epie uplifted the discussion by reminded us that we are proud Nexsans and that we are going to have our convention and encouraged us to go ahead with preparations for the convention. This intervention energized the assembly and we agreed that the president should go ahead and make preparations for the convention. The assembly agreed that each member contribute a minimum of 100 dollars towards hosting the first Nexsa-USA convention and the contributions should come in before the end of June 2013.

The Nexsa-USA Inc. President and the Diaspora Vice President informed the group that the convention will have as its main theme the plan for GSS/GHS Nyasoso 40th anniversary celebration due to hold in Nyasoso in 2014. The Diaspora Vice President floated the idea of giving recognition awards to some staff members who had great impact on many batches that passed through our alma mater, citing the name of Mr. Esambe James (Grand Jimmy) as an illustrative example.


Before signing off the diaspora vice president, himself a member of Nexsa-USA frowned on the lack of commitment by some office holders of Nexsa-USA, observing that they have been missing in action and called on EXCO members beside the president to show commitment to our alma mater. Mr. Nanje requested that we sing the school anthem to close the meeting but most members did not know the tune and/or the lyrics. Our sister Ms. Evelyn Epie rescued the group with a beautiful rendition of our anthem to close a joyful meeting.

The following members participated in this conference:

Epie, John Nkede (6th batch) - Nexsa-USA President

Epie, Felix Ajebe (7th batch)

Epie, Evelyn (8th batch)

Epie, Elias Nabola

Nchinda, Zac (Dr)

Nchinda (Mrs), Jacqueline Pungong (5th batch)

Nanje, Jackson (7th batch) – Nexsa diaspora Vice President

Alobwede (Mrs), Assumpta Ebung – Nexsa-USA Treasurer

Forka, Dominic

Cho, Stephen

Teke, John

Manga (Mrs), Mercy Esambe

Done by:

Felix Epie, Boston, Massachusetts, March 11, 2013 AD.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to subscribe and communicate with NEXSANs around the world

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Friday, December 14, 2012



The National President, Col. Sone Ajang addressing members of the alma mater                            

By EHABE Jerry Nnange-Masango

Secretary General (NEXSA)

     Well, suffices to know this report is riding on Great Ebah Ntoko’s which for the sake of reference features after the end of this report. Without contradicting it, this report is a sequel that completes it.
                                    But where should I start reporting?
     With the over head banner?! But President Ebah Ntoko has already talked about it even though he forgot to mention that, given the nature of Limbe, where a myriad of activities take place as evidenced by the plethora of banners across major areas of the city at any given moment, that of NEXSA had a pride of place as it was the first that visitors saw as they made their way into Limbe before the others;
     With a linear reporting of the AGM program of procession, led by the Famous Presbyterian Church Brass Band, from Trinity Hotel to the Bifunde Business Center. But Limbe President, the Great Ebah Ntoko has already commented on this issue. Let me therefore add that, being the commemoration of the World AIDS day and with taxi drivers having their meeting, implying traffic volume was low, it looked as if freshly painted Limbe ceded the streets for the AIDS procession led by the SDO for FAKO and the NEXSAN procession led by Vice President Simen Michael;
NEXSANs emblemized the school image during procession from Trinity Hotel to Bifunde
     Roll things back from where it all started--- at the eve of the AGM, as delegates arrived at the Trinity Hotel where the host chapter, Limbe NEXSANs, was on hand to receive them. They savoured their traditional NEXSAN dish of corn chaff at the Hotel restaurant before they held a preliminary meeting, to familiarize themselves with the program at the end of which, it was free time, which most delegates used diligently at the popular Bamboo Lounge Cabaret, to relish the sweet side of Limbe on weekend nights;

         Delegates were arriving at the Trinity Hotel in Limbe with admirable elegance

     With the venue, the preparation of which Limbe beseeched to the beauty, humility and greatness of simplicity by professionally and meticulously decorating the hall wherein the elegantly uniformed NEXSAN delegates fitted in the décor like gold in a setting of silver while beholding themselves in awe!
                                                     NEXSANs at the AGM
     With the end, that is, the roof top Gala night at the posh Savoy Palmz Hotel, Bota, to seal off a successful AGM once again. But even this too the Limbe president has already told the story except that I have to add two strong moments of the night, namely: (a) the popping of the champagne and (b) the award given to the chapter with the highest attendance. Midway to the dancing, the National President gave Great James Ewane, his technical adviser, the honour to pop the AGM Gala champagne. James Ewane, a toast master par excellence, used the opportunity to familiarize delegates again, before the toast, the theme for this year’s AGM which read, “All Towards Sustainable Enterprise for NEXSA”. This is the theme he personally coined during the last National Executive Meeting of the forgone NEXSAN year, to suit the purpose of the just ended AGM. Explaining the theme, he emphasized on the following words: “ALL”, “Sustainable”, “Enterprise” and “NEXSA”. He continued, if you studied at Nyasoso but do not belong to NEXSA by fulfilling your fiscal and physical obligations vis-à-vis the Association, you are a cheat; and worse still, you are cheating yourself. Furthermore, he emphasized that, all we have been doing in previous AGMs is Enterprise, and be it the Constitution or the Finance Charter or lately, the NEXSACO project. That, the latest enterprise, NEXSACO, is for the sustainability of NEXSA without which the Association may not survive. At this juncture, the champagne powerfully exploded and the sound hyperbolically reverberated back and forth on Mounts FAKO and Fernando Po before being followed by thunderous applauses from the floor. It was a sign of good omen for the staying power of NEXSA. Long before President Ebah Ntoko could post online, the Atlantic Trade Winds had already taken the news and spread over the five continental oceans that, NEXSA has not only come a long way but has come to stay. A second strong moment was the award of the second [heart] cake to the Chapter with the highest attendance in this AGM. Bamenda won this prize. Like President Ebah Ntoko said, the first cake [a football field] was cut during the NEXSAN plenary session at Bifunde as a fundraiser. And what a successful in-house fundraising that was!
                                They posed for a photo up after a successful AGM
     Should I start by reporting the next AGM (that is 2013), which will still take place in FAKO Division, precisely in Tiko, and to still have once more the indescribable FAKO factor?
      Let us start with the AGM proper. Take for example, Limbe, as host of the AGM, is a chapter that has gone down in NEXSA annals as the mother of her revival. And the chapter chooses a venue like the elegant conference room of the Bifunde Business Center Complex, holding up to 80 NEXSANs from 11 Chapters in that venue. It also provided NEXSAN delegates with custom folders containing a challenging agenda that comprised, inter alia, the NEXSACO project. Take away artificial air conditioning and replace it with natural ocean breeze after it has been filtered by the luxuriant trees of the Limbe Botanic Garden before getting to the Bifunde venue. That was the reason why the 80 NEXSANs, who were working under natural temperature and no pressure, to deliberate for 7 hours even without the provision of beverage, consistent coffee breaks, and sumptuous catered supper. What did we get?
We got an end product (resolutions) that was read as the proclamation of the day as follows:
  1. The AGM opted for Category One Microfinance Institution out of the 3 Categories that were presented. Category One, has, as attribute, One Man One Vote One Share; in other words, equal share for everybody.
  2. Due to the technicality of the NEXSACO document, to facilitate assimilation of its essence, the resource persons, shall produce a succinct reader-friendly hard copy, make multiple copies and distribute to chapters through their presidents for use in the first National EXEC meeting following the New Year.
  3. The Audit Report was appreciated. And adopted and the Auditors should make binders for distribution to chapters presidents and other appropriate quarters.
  4. Following recommendations from the Auditors that “in spite of some lapses in record keeping, leading to an apparent surplus of 34,791 FCFA, the closing bank account balance as at 1st December 2012 of 1, 632,939 FCFA and this amount should be adopted as the opening balance of next period.
  5. That the constitution needs review.
  6. The Finance Charter does not only need modification but needs to be implemented too.
  7. Acknowledgement of greetings from the Diaspora who unfortunately could not participate in the plenary session because of erratic Skype connection interruption. The Diaspora should however, take note of the fact that Olive Ada Bume is highly indebted to the Association, NEXSA.
  8. The host of the next AGM – 2013 – is Tiko, in a date to be announced.
The Keynote Speech
     After the handsome host Chapter President, Ebah Ntoko Justice gave his concise welcome address to the beautiful people called Great NEXSANs, the National President followed by stating three reasons for holding the AGM in Limbe:
     Firstly, that the Association was giving the child NEXSA to her mother Limbe because the latter was responsible for the revival of the Association. Secondly, it was to respect tradition to rotate AGM. Lastly, to use the AGM as an opportunity to make Limbe sit up.
     He thanked and congratulated the Principal on the improved GCE examination results. He said somnolence of Executive members was due to lack of initiative, leaving everything to revolve around the National President, who is already overburdened by work schedule, NEXSA schedule and family responsibilities. A typical example, he pointed out, is the funeral of former Principal Epie Njumbe Ferdinand which coincided with the preparation of his [National President’s] father’s burial. Since he was not there to ensure that NEXSA show up, no other executive member or NEXSAN did provoke reaction and that is why NEXSA was absent. He said when we harness our efforts for a common cause, the burden to govern, becomes lighter. And that if NEXSANs remembered what he, the National President, has endured in the past two years – loss of his son, mother and father – they, especially the Executive members, would have helped in circumstances like the Njumbe case. He used the opportunity to ask NEXSANs and the Executive in particular to be proactive rather than being reactive at best, and inactive, at worst. He however, exonerated those executives who take initiative within their sphere of competence and make a lot of sacrifices for the Association. These individuals know themselves.
                          The future of our Alumni: they can't wait to join us
     He equally lashed out at some Executive members who do not attend Executive meetings since they were voted into office. It is a situation that makes governance difficult; that same goes to some chapter presidents (ex- officio members) who do not attend Executive meetings and so disconnect the branch members from decisions taken by the National Executive, the consequence of which is that, branches are progressively losing steam. The cause of inaction by these elected officials is due to lack of sacrifice for the common good and cause.
     He further addressed those who identify with the Association only when there is a ceremony like graduation/prize award ceremony, AGM and the like, and described them as ceremonial NEXSANs. He reiterated that, “we are prepared to give these Ceremonial NEXSANs food and drinks since that is their point of focus” and that we appreciate their presence among us in this AGM. As recognition of fact, the faces behind the mask do not toil in vain. And that we are bound to accept them because of the bonds that link us since 1974.
              NEXSANs shall one day fill the hall like they did at the beginning
The Plenary
     Top on the agenda was the NEXSACO Project, which was prepared by Mr. Peter Alobwede, and presented by Mr. Samuel Kode, expounded on by finance experts, Mr. Samuel Sounjoh and with advice from Mr. Michael Simen; the project literally grabbed keen attention. After satisfactory answers during Question and Answer session, Category One Microfinance was adopted. Being one man one share one vote, this category is hijack proof because no matter the number of shares you have, you have only one vote. So there is impossibility of a rich individual hijacking it as his business because of his number of shares. To kick off, a minimum minimal 77.000 FCFA per (2.000 FCFA for registration, 25.000 FCFA per share and savings of 50.000 FCFA) per member for a hypothetical subscription of 100 NEXSANs will put NEXSACO in business without much ado. The enthusiasm to be part of this endeavor was palpable. More on this shall follow later in a separate document.
The Finance Report
     The one year old Finance Secretary gave a faithful report of the Association’s transactions, the figures of which will appear as a separate document in a later posting where finances before and during the AGM feature, for appreciation. Despite that it could not be considered quasi perfect, finance expert, Samuel Sounjoh, considered it a big improvement from previous reports and requested it be moved as acceptable. The details of this report will be posted as a separate document for your appraisal.
The Audit Report
     The tradition is that of the two auditors, at least one should have a professional accounting background. In this year’s committee none met that condition but being individuals who have been used to be audited in their corporate life, they knew what to look for. Thus, the audit report of the twosome of Joseph Monkam and James Ewane was so professionally done that it was highly appreciated by Mr. Sounjoh Samuel, the professional financier, commented that the audit report was excellent. This then paved the way for the house to move it as correct. The audit report, which highlighted some pitfalls in the bookkeeping of the Association, also gave suggestions on how to improve on the association’s finance recording. The entire audit report shall be made public at a later time.
The Annual Report
     Each delegate had a hard copy of the online annual report of NEXSA for 2012. As indicated in the program, it was not to be read out by the SG. Delegates had to read, digest its contents and query. There was no comment implying they took it as a faithful report of what the year had been.
The Website Moderator’s Talk
     The Cyberspace NEXSA NEXSAN made the Sovereign Body to understand that he breathes NEXSA, walks NEXSA and sleeps NEXSA. True to his virtual name and activities, he incisively on how the e-forum fared during the forgone year, especially underscoring the throwing in of red herrings that did derailed contributions related to the progress of the Association for which the website was formed in the first place. He further said, generally, most subscribers are accustomed to discussing everything but those related to the Association, citing as typical example the online lackluster reaction that greeted the preparation of this AGM. He called on us, subscribers, as the mature people that we are, to guard against the above weaknesses. He stressed that even though he would prefer for only NEXSA issues be discussed on the forum, subscribers should know when to relegate certain controversial subjects to the back burner, especially if they are not NEXSA-related. He said analysis showed that there were far more virtual NEXSANs than in real world. The forgone talk is just the sum and substance of his exposition of which a fuller version will be yours ASAP.
Fall outs of the AGM
     First, looking at the procession picture, one will realize that the ladies who were matching directly behind the band, held the mufflers upside down. Second, at the gala night, junior NEXSANs complained that the musical selection at the gala was aimed at satisfying the earlier batcher whereas the musical preference of recent ex-students of the school, which has existed for more than 30 years, was never in consideration.
The general attendance was just a reflection of what it has always been, 80 delegates plus or minus 5. Only one 1st Batch (1974), Samma Teke Ndumbe Eyoum, was present. The youngest batch at the AGM was a 2001 NEXSAN. The batch with the highest attendance was the 1980 class, which is the 7th batch. In all other AGMs, the hosting chapter has always had the highest but not Limbe (5th position). Instead guest, Bamenda, had the highest attendance.
A minimum banner should be made to use by leaders in processions so that we do not improvise with mufflers in future.
The mini NEXSA hand flags kept at Nyasoso should always be made available when we have AGM processions for individuals to hold and wave alongside mini national hand flags.
NEXSAN should preselect musical tracks in advance that will feature selection to satisfy everyone in the gamut of batches plus more, and hand to the DJ to add to his own repertoire.
That the National Executive should keep up the habit of not eating according to batch but as seated because as the National President said, every one paid the same levy.
N/B:   Mrs. Nincho Regina née Tamachambi led the association in prayers.
Director of Ceremony: Mr. Lucia Dipita Ediage (National Social Secretary)

Friday, November 16, 2012

By Jerry Ehabe (Secretary General)

The Meeting took place on October 13, 2012 in Buea in the residence of NEXSAN Regina Tendonge née Nasako, a non-EXEC member though. The Meeting was an enlarged one and was highly attended resources persons inclusive. Though it started quite behind schedule, it rolled out well with the following resolutions marking its outcome.

1.      A forth and last Executive Meeting will be held in Limbe on 17 Nov. 2012 at the residence of the Limbe Chapter President.

2.      The Annual General Assembly – AGM – of this year will take place on Sat. 1st December 2012 in Limbe, an adjustment from the Limbe proposal of 27 Nov. 2012 to resolve the clash with the Presbyterian Church Day.

3.      The financial report gave an amount of 1.621.600 F CFA in the accounts. The details of this sum plus whatever will be transacted in the last EXEC meeting on 17 Nov. will feature in the annual financial report that the Financial Secretary will post online as well as distribute copies to delegates at the 2012 AGM.

4.      The Secretary General will post online an annual report of the Association’s activities for the year 2012 before the day of the AGM for members to digest and raise matters from it during plenary.

5.      Social Security funds with respect to funerals need to be refilled and that chapter presidents should do their utmost to enforce the recovery before the AGM.

6.      Members should study the Constitution and Finance Charter to propose modifications to them during plenary at the AGM.

7.      Auditors for this year’s finances will be designated at the National Executive Meeting of 17 Nov. 2012 in Limbe.

8.      The resources persons, Alobwede Peter and Kode Samuel, will on the last EXEC meeting of 17 Nov and AGM on 1 Dec. make a power point presentation of the Microfinance project to refresh the Association on the facts and figures as we move make the project a reality next year.

9.      In this year’s last National Executive Meeting a finance committee will be formed to straighten out monetary issues.

10. The Meeting came out with a budget of 1.161.000 FCFA for this year’s AGM in Limbe.

A Statement from the Principal

The Principal of GHS Nyasoso, Nhon Kome Evaristus said, there was an improvement on both levels of the public examinations as we must have read from the media. He particularly underlined the superb performance in History where at the GCE “A” Levels, all the 61 students who registered passed. Though he committed efforts to teaching this course, he also acknowledged the assistance of his other administrative collaborators who joined the teaching staff to achieve the improved results.

He complained of the difficulty of actually keeping the campus clean because its sheer size is daunting to the students who though number 500 are not mature as in our time to clean it. Stones on the streets are all exposed. Staff houses need renovation as well as the dormitories too. The principal felt that besides manual weeding, chemical weeding could be a solution to eradicate weeds while concrete on road one should be re-enforced. That, the PTA and SMB have come up with suggestion of some projects aimed at giving the campus a facelift. Finally, he talked of the need of a school band and asked for NEXSA’s assistance.

Preparation of AGM by Limbe

Chapter President Ebah Ntoko Justice in reporting how Limbe is preparing the hosting of the 2012 Annual General Meeting, AGM, said from online reaction, he is surprised at the lackluster steam that is greeting the one of this year, relatively speaking. He intimated the floor of the work in progress so far, which included booking of the AGM venue; reservation of a catering service quite in advance in a period when and town where such services would be hard to get, identification of hotels especially negotiations with a NEXSAN-owned hotel, Trinity Hotel, for favourable rates, information on which had been previously posted online; alerting of fabrication of personalized documentation for all delegates, planning for overhead banners, tracing of procession trajectory, plan for tour to touristic areas such as Bakingili lava overflow spot, SONARA, etc., and arrangements for night club for relaxation after a long AGM day proper. In appreciation for gestures of kindness and fraternity, he acknowledged the receipt of 100.000 F (One Hundred Thousand Francs) CFA from Douala chapter to support Limbe in the hosting of this year’s AGM. Pleased with the level of preparation by Limbe thus far, the National President, Sone Ajang and Legal Adviser, Mado Mesape, pledged the sum of 100.000F (One Hundred Thousand Francs) and 50.000 F (Fifty Thousand Francs) CFA respectively to support the hosting chapter, Limbe. He wrapped up this phase of intervention by acknowledging the presence of Tiko and Buea Presidents to our preparatory meetings in which they made worthwhile proposals.

Chapter Reports

Buea, Limbe and Yaoundé reported that they had much in common underscored by indifference to alma mater issues and laxity to attend meetings despite ample announcements and reminders but for a handful of faithful otherwise their chapters would have stopped existing on the NEXSA map.


Great Senge Ngede representing Yaoundé intimated that their meetings are mostly attended by students. She said her chapter is asking for the reimbursement of the stipulated Half a Million Francs CFA that NEXSA was supposed to advance to her when she hosted the 2011 AGM. All three chapters however reported that when it comes to financial contribution, a higher identification and participation is usually recorded.


The President, Dorothy Forsac said, she is so disappointed by the lack of commitment that she had opted to resign but whatever number of members they have prevented her from doing so.


Report given by President Sounjoh Samuel Suh disclosed that they are united and stable. They do rotational meetings with “njangi” scheme incorporated that comes up to half a million francs CFA each monthly seating. Each member contributes Twenty-five Thousand Francs CFA. Thirty-five Thousand Francs CFA is left with the host of the meeting to help defray hospitality cost. On the downside, they have been hit by a wave of transfers of some important members. The Chapter is thus left with 12 active members whose contribution of 120.000 F CFA he presented to the meeting variously for AGM levy and annual dues.


President Prisco Ejolle said that, because they rotate their meetings from one member’s house to another, it has helped in sustaining them. That they showed solidarity at the funeral of Great Ngonde Lawrence at Ebonji and that has led to more commitment of members. That generally, the chapter is waxing strong.


Vice President Ehabe Constantine acting for his president said attendance has improved thanks to Dr. Balbina Ebong who has sacrificed a lot to make things happen. That a couple of weeks ago, they picked the cue from others by starting a “njangi” scheme whereby the host that takes. The transfer of some members, especially of Nana Evaristus has adversely affected them. With their revival, they are gradually waxing back to old ways of commitment and while wooing more members.


Chapter President Etube Charles Akame intimated they are “waxing well”. He continued that, prior to the AGM in Yaoundé, the Bangem chapter, which was well represented, was having a boost in their monthly attendance. But shortly after that, attendance has dwindled but however my chapter still remains dynamic with each executive member doing their bit. Another problem that undermines the full functioning of the chapter is timid attitude of some members who albeit are always willing to do everything they do. In their last meeting, the National President was present in the capacity of a member and has paid all his dues. He submitted 100.000F CFA as various dues that the National Financial Secretary recorded.
Kumba, Tiko, Ngusi, and Nyasoso were absent in this meeting.

Reactions to Chapter Reports

The house suggested that Limbe should widen as much as possible the list of various hotels available so that delegates are not limited to patronizing Trinity Hotel, the attractive rates and centralized location notwithstanding.
That those members who do not attend meetings but do contribute should know that identification with the alma mater is a whole package that comprises both attendance and contribution. That NEXSA, after the 2012 AGM would be expecting a waiver of cost from Limbe. That a finance committee will be formed before the AGM to look into the pending reimburse of Yaounde’s 2011 preparatory funds as well as allied issues.


The following tendered in excuses to the National Secretariat in time for absenting:

The National Treasurer, Kang Glorine Munge Elage, because of clash with a teachers’ meeting of which she was the host.

2nd National Vice President Michael Njumbe Simen because of a clash with Christian Men’s fellowship in which he was acting for his president, who was absent.

The National Public Relations Officer, Divine Ebong-Pende and the President of Nyasoso chapter, Zachary Mesue Epie, were both absent because they were attending their cousin’s burial in Ngusi.

Tiko president Monkam Joseph was absent because of scheduling issues: meeting schedule conflicted with his work schedule.


Roll call:

Ekungwe Christopher
Cultural Adviser
Fred Fombi
Prisco Ejolle
Fin. Sec./pdt. Tombel
Etube Charles Akame
President Bangem
James Ewane Sumelong
Technical Adviser
Ediage Lucia Dipita
Social Secretary
Sounjoh Samuel Suh
Nhon Kome Evaristus M.
Principal GHS Nyasoso
Ebah Ntoko Justice
Dorothy Forsac Tata
Sone Ajang Joseph
Nat’l Pdt
Ngenko Daniel Lissock
Nat’l Legal Adviser
Balbina Ebong Mesue
Deputy Nat’l SG
Ehabe Mpang Constantine
Vice Pdt.
Mesape Mado
Nat’l Legal Adviser
Senge Edith Ngede
Secretary Yde
Tanjoh Jerry Naah
Web Moderator
Ehabe Jerry N-m
Nat’l SG
Kode Samuel Metuge
Resource person


The Meeting closed at 6:00PM on a note of satisfaction.



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