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Showing posts from March, 2013

NEXSA] Minutes of the National EXCO Meeting held in Tombel

By Dr. Balbina Ebong Minutes of the National EXCO Meeting held in Tombel on 16 th February 2013 The following agenda was adopted after presentation: 1. Prayers 2. Singing of the School Anthem 3. A word of welcome from the President 4. Reading of AGM Report 5. Branch Reports 6. Matters Arising from the Report / Other issues 7. Financial Statement 8. 2013 Prize-Award 9. Economic Venture (NEXACO) 10. Closing Remarks 11. Dinner The meeting which started at about 4pm with a timid attendance of 5members of the National EXCO commenced with prayers by Madam Ngeh Margaret, followed by the singing of the school anthem. The President wished everyone a warm welcome, acknowledging the presence of the Vice Principal and the Senior Discipline Master. He mentioned the fact that he has realised that some NEXSANS come into the Association for personal interests and when these interests are satisfied, they