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NEXSA] Minutes of the National EXCO Meeting held in Tombel

Minutes of the National EXCO Meeting held in Tombel on 16th February 2013
The following agenda was adopted after presentation:
1. Prayers
2. Singing of the School Anthem
3. A word of welcome from the President
4. Reading of AGM Report
5. Branch Reports
6. Matters Arising from the Report / Other issues
7. Financial Statement
8. 2013 Prize-Award
9. Economic Venture (NEXACO)
10. Closing Remarks
11. Dinner
The meeting which started at about 4pm with a timid attendance of 5members of the National EXCO commenced with prayers by Madam Ngeh Margaret, followed by the singing of the school anthem.
The President wished everyone a warm welcome, acknowledging the presence of the Vice Principal and the Senior Discipline Master. He mentioned the fact that he has realised that some NEXSANS come into the Association for personal interests and when these interests are satisfied, they leave the group. Others he said, back out when they think their personal interests are not satisfied.
Review of the Limbe AGM: It was said to have been successful though with some shortcomings which the National EXCO should take stock of in preparation for subsequent AGMS.
Commenting on the AGM Report, it was thought that the full report should have come from the National Secretary General instead of it being an addendum to the branch report. Reports for National occasions, it was decided, should not come from the host branches. It was also commented on and agreed that money raised during a National event, like the cutting of the cake did not belong to the host branch of that occasion. It belonged to the general body and should be taken care of by the National Executive. Ceremonial NEXSANS were warned of a tough time in subsequent AGMS, especially when it came to entertainment. Invariably, refreshment is smaller than the number of people it is previewed for, that is those who duly contribute towards the AGM. Ticketing members maybe a good solution to this kind of gate-crashing that is experienced at the AGM..
Branch Reports:
Bamenda was represented by Madam Ngeh Margaret who reported that Bamenda was still waxing very strong. Their meetings were still held on a rotational basis with an average of 14 active members who, she said, were “doing things for NEXSA”. Bamenda thought there was need for a new uniform given that the old ones are either faded, have been outgrown or some new members did not have it. They proposed the making of a new fabric entirely or the reproduction of the old one. The Bamenda branch commonly uses its uniforms in many occasions because it identifies them and sells the image of NEXSA. The Bamenda based resource persons for the economic venture were still waiting for the National EXCO to give a go-ahead for the drafting of the by-laws for the Economic Venture. All in all, Bamenda was doing well.
Douala, represented by its Secretary Balbina Mesue Ebong gave its Vice president’s apology to the group. The Vice president was unavoidably absent because he was hosting NEXSANS on that same day. She reported that Douala was doing good, thanks to the Njangi scheme – a leaf borrowed from the book of the Bamenda branch. There was an average attendance of 15members and meetings still took place every third Saturday of the month. Douala wondered aloud why Tiko was chosen over Douala to host this year’s AGM when the previous one had just taken place in neighbouring Limbe. All in all, Douala was doing well and promising to get better.
Tombel: The branch President, Mr. Ejolle Prisco reported that hosting was still problematic with some members promising to host but not keeping to their promises. Attendance, he said, was still at 14 members.
Reactions from Branch Reports:
Bamenda was congratulated for keeping on strong and for their enthusiasm in taking part in EXCO meetings with helpful contributions. It should be noted that Bamenda has taken part in every National EXCO meeting that has taken place within the present Executive.
Douala was appreciated for the effort they have been making despite the absence of a head. They were asked to keep on, legitimize what EXCO they have working now and continue on. Tiko, the President explained, was chosen over Douala to host the AGM because it is still growing and needs to be supported and strengthened.
The Tombel branch was told not to relent their efforts and in due course many more members will join them. The efforts of Mr. Ejolle Prisco who doubled as the National Financial Secretary were greatly appreciated.
The Financial Report: Before the Financial Secretary made his report, the President commented that NEXSANS should act responsibly. He was referring to the remarks made by a certain NEXSAN concerning the funeral of the Late Principal, Mr. Epie Njumbe which showed disrespect for the National Executive. He cautioned that NEXSANS should act before they talk and added that in this particular instance anyone could have acted on behalf of NEXSANS before castigating them. The Diaspora, which is a branch of NEXSA, should go along with other chapters so that things can move on smoothly.
An exhaustive report was made by the Financial Sec. on income and expenditure after the last AGM as shown below.
Receipt Number
Brought forward from Previous financial account
Completion of AGM dues annual dues and reg. to Nat. EXCO (Kumba Chapter)
Completion Reg. to Nat. EXCO, annual dues, AGM, funerals (Buea Chapter)
Annual dues, Reg. to Nat. EXCO, AGM dues (Tiko Branch)
Loan Repayment (Limbe Branch)
Reg. to Nat. EXCO, AGM dues (Tiko Branch)
AGM Dues (Douala Branch)
Reg. to Nat. EXCO, funerals, AGM more Dues (Tombel Branch)
Receipt Number
Anti-Virus installation, internet connection and production of Annual Report
Typing and printing of financial report for Limbe AGM + transportation
Assistance to Yaoundé Branch for 2011 AGM hosting
NB: Balance to the bank: 2.360.600 – 467.500 = 1.893.100 (One Million eight hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred francs CFA)
 2013 Prize Award Ceremony: It was suggested that the Prize award this year be low-keyed. The National body was going to send five representatives instead of all NEXSANS going to Nyasoso. This decision was made with regard to NEXSANS’ participation in the 40th anniversary celebration which will take place in the campus next year. Branches were reminded to start preparations early enough for next year. However, a budget of 200.000 FRS was voted for the prizes to be given out to deserving students this year. Just having contributed for the past AGM, members were not expected to contribute towards this prize award. However, donations are welcome.
Economic Venture: The three resource persons for the Economic Venture were given the go-ahead to draft the by-laws which will determine the signatories. The resource persons did not have to be signatories. They just had to come out with rules by which the group will work.
Other Issues:8883221122
- Re-greening of the School Campus: Mr. Inkwell Esung, the NEXSA Resource person and the campus re-greening champion was not happy with the state of the school campus in spite of his efforts to nurse and plant some trees. He thought the school administration was not giving the idea the seriousness it deserved. Mr. Etone Ngide, the Vice Principal, said the deteriorating state of the school campus was being taken care of. The Senior Discipline Master, Mr. Ekiti promised that there should be some change by May 2013. 34.000 FRS was approved by the EXCO for herbicides for use in the campus.
- Academically, it was reported that the school administration was doing a lot of work quoting as example the fact that the Principal himself teaches about 14hours of classes a week. The lower levels were said to be doing very well and the results of the examination classes this year were more promising. 90.000 FRS was allotted to the PTA as support from NEXSA.
- The constitution and the finance charter needed to be amended. Members should send in suggestions to be collated, discussed and adopted in the Tiko AGM. These amendments have to be done before this mandate expires.
- The idea of the creation of a Website as proposed by the Diaspora was welcome but needed to be expounded on, especially in terms of it benefit to NEXSA.
- Branches were expected to come up with a database of NEXSANS, that is, members of the association belonging to their branches.
To Sum up:
Only 3 branches were represented at the meeting together with 4 EXCO members despite the fact that the meeting was convened early enough and well publicised. Apologies for absence came from Mr. Ehabe Jerry and Mr. Ehabe Mpang Constantine, the National Sec. General and the Douala Branch Vice President respectively. The President was disappointed with this turn out and let down from his executive. The President gave a big word of encouragement to the Bamenda branch which has always made it to all NEXSAN meetings. And also, to the Douala branch, which has been functioning for a long time without a president. Other branches were called to wake up from their slumber.
 A list of Attendees at the EXCO meeting
Sone Ajang Joseph
Yaoundé / Douala
Nat. President
77 64 22 72
Balbina Mesue Ebong
Dep. Sec. General
77 02 47 02
Prisco Ejolle
Financial Sec.
78 23 74 30
Njong Ngeh Margaret
Vice President (B’da)
77 86 63 60
Nkwelle Jacob Esung
Resource Person
75 14 76 05
Etone Ngide Gabriel
79 37 11 18
Ekiti Mathias Ebong
S. Disc. Master
72 90 65 69
Ejolle Joseph Enuge
77 83 53 81
Dione Scholastica
77 52 61 40
Esukane Epie
71 83 33 35
The meeting ended with dinner offered by the Tombel branch.


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