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     The acquisition of a terminal degree, Ph.D, is usually an academic journey less
Prof. Gehrmann, Dr. Manjoh & Prof. Alembong
travelled by many and to the few that have ventured on that very tedious and demanding academic journey, praise must be given to them and humility is expected of them, as well. This is a journey our sister, Dr. Mrs. Priscillia Musoh Manjoh dared, and successfully completed, and I have the singular pleasure to announce this great feat of hers and like one NEXSAN doctor once said, I AM GLAD YOU JOINED ME BECAUSE, IT WAS GETTING COLDER AND LONELIER UP HERE.
     Dr. Priscillia M. Manjoh undertook her Doctorate in Philosophy from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, where she successfully defended in front of a jury of five with Professor Susanne Gehrmann of Humboldt as her Supervisor and Professor Nol Alembong, Dean of Faculty of Arts, Buea University, as her Co-Supervisor. On a WhatsApp text message to me, the new doctor wrote, ‘Hi, I am very happy to
Photo with Dr. Manjoh's dissertation defense team
inform you that, I finally defended my Ph.D yesterday with good success.’
I am quite elated that she honoured me to break this good news to our pristine group, NEXSA. We congratulate you, Dr. Manjoh!
Husband celebrates wife's achievement
     Dr. Manjoh’s dissertation is based on the Representations and Renegotiations of the Nation---guided by the Postcolonial theory and concepts of the nation as well as what nationalism entails. The work investigates the extent to which the hopes and aspirations of the people have been met since independence as represented in Cameroonian literature---and how the novelists---under scrutiny in the study, have proposed certain visions for the revision of certain aspects. The reader should be
Snare by Priscillia Manjoh
reminded that, Dr. Manjoh wrote her first novel, Snare, in 2013 in it she recounts the striking profile of the challenges confronted by Africans in a developed country. Representations and Renegotiations of the Nation could be her second one coming in little under four years. Remarkable! It will be an interesting read which markets itself beyond this write-up.
     I am, by this piece, requesting of all NEXSANs to join me in congratulating Dr. Priscillia M. Manjoh, an Ex-Student of Government High School Nyasoso (NEXSA), my Alma matter, in saying, ‘A job well done!’


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