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Showing posts from March, 2021
                  Cry my Beloved Government Secondary School Nyasoso              by Peter Mbonteh                                         Our beloved Government Secondary School Nyasoso---the legendary secondary school that has churned out a good number of Cameroon's elites; a school that was the dream of every aspirant from far and near; a paradise in the jungle because of its picturesque environment and the village hosting it; a school where the quest for academic excellence was a do or die affair; all of these, orchestrated by a battery of seasoned mentors and it's beautiful infrastructure. Nyasoso of legendary teachers like Forgab Njinju Peter (history), Tayong (literature) and Fomusso alias “Punctual” (English language) etc. Each time I go down the memory lane I feel like turning back the hand of time. But when I look at the Nyasoso of today, I become emotional and indeed, I shed tears. Not only has time had its toll on the school, the current crisis rocking the two