Tuesday, March 31, 2009

National President's Speech



                       By Colonel Ajang Sone

     Today is the 7th of February 2009 and here we are in the PARTY HOUSE in BONANJO for the NYASOSO EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Fund-raising Gala dance aimed at resurrecting the decaying structures of the erstwhile academic citadel-- our beloved ALMA MATER
On behalf of the Nyasoso Ex-Students, I heartily wish to convey our sincere thanks each and everyone of you present here today for taking part in this event in spite of your busy and tight schedules. Your presence is ample testimony of your attachment to educational endeavours in general and friendship in particular. Yes, friendship because if each NEXSAN had to invite to this maiden Fund-raising Gala all the friends they must have created along the lines of their social, professional and family lanes, then this Party House would have been too small to accommodate us. Indeed, you constitute the cream of what I should rightly call the NEXSAN FRIENDSHIP: Thank you again for coming.

     G.H.S Nyasoso is situated in the village whose name it bears. Nyasoso is found in Tombel Sub-Division in the Kupe-Muanengouba Division in the South West Region of Cameroon. The school was created in November 1974 as a G.S.S upon inheriting the magnificent structures of the former Presbyterian Teachers’ Training College, which magnificence constituted an attractive educational pull-factor nation-wide. The inherited religious aura that lingered around the campus certainly influenced the ethical grooming of the students and contributed to the brilliant results which resulted in an increase in enrolment. This increase in enrolment certainly pushed the Government to up-grade this academic power house to a high school in 1991. In fact, we take pride in identifying ourselves with that exemplary institution.

     In order to up hold this academic pride, some devoted ex-students decided to judiciously create a forum of exchange which later resulted to an Association in CCAS Kumba in 1981. The budding Association had an enthusiastic birth but a timid growth and then fell into coma at the time that its founding fathers least expected. I need not dwell on the point by making an x-ray of the causes of the coma; but like any other association still at its infancy, certain viruses that can hinder an association from evolving were so obvious that it needed a proactive leadership. Or, if the virus caused affliction, a surgical and clinical relief was timely administered. Yes, our Association was a victim of its untutored infancy.

     So, it is necessary at this juncture to say that the paralytic situation of the Association was parallel to the fall in standards and in enrolment in our ALMA MATER. The erstwhile standards and enrolment dwindled with time. In fact, it became degrading in comparative terms due to the decaying structures compounded by the lack of teachers, bad roads and other vices etc. Today, our ALMA MATER that was hitherto a pull-factor suddenly became so remote and repulsive that even some ex-students sent there as teachers found it punitive to stay. That is indeed the reality of our ALMA MATER today:
     I have taken your time to talk of our ALMA MATER and our ASSOCIATION because you all here present equally have both and there is no possible divorce between the two especially for those who know the importance of education.

     Due to this inseparable marriage between the ALMA MATER and the ASSOCIATION, it is consequential that since the Association has thus far moved from Creation to somnolence to revival and revival to survival, and finally to fulfilment, the infrastructure of G.H.S Nyasoso should equally be revived. Furthermore, assistance should be given to the benevolent staff and the PTA in order to enhance the standards that the school once had.

     You are here today on the invitation of your brothers and sisters who are former students of G.S.S now G.H.S Nyasoso to partake in their fund-raising gala dance. As you know, and as it is expected, the proceeds from this show of GOOD WILL on your part will permit us to refurbish the school by rehabilitating structures, equipping the library, computer and science laboratories and why not supplement the emoluments of the benevolent P.T.A teachers. These pull-factors are momentous for the image of our ALMA MATER; that is why you are here today in that spirit of friendship, sacrifice, generosity of spirit and selflessness. Remember, there is much more divinity in giving than in taking; this is a universal and not a NEXSAN principle.

     To allay your fears concerning managerial issues relating to the funds that will result from your financial help, I wish to announce the establishment of two gadgets to ensure transparency:
- The registration of the Association on the 7th January 2009 that gives her a legal personality; and,
- The opening of the Association’s account in a credible financial institution to guarantee transparency.

     Permit me to conclude by formatting and itemising the FUND-RAISING activities for tonight.
- We shall have the launching of the NEXSAN UNIFORM, a NEXSAN affair in which senior NEXSANs shall be called upon to unveil the clothe and thereafter benevolent guest launchers shall follow in an orderly manner void of protocol;
- We shall have the cutting of the GALA CAKE, which on protocol directives, shall be done by our GUESTS as short listed;
- We shall have the launching of THE NEXSAN, a magazine carrying interesting ALMA MATER and societal issues, ethical precepts, commercial pages etc. The launching shall be done by our SPECIAL FRIENDS as the protocol shall direct.

     Since you are here to help us help our ALMA MATER, we courteously remind you to take cognisance of the various phases of the fund-raising exercise to enable your equitable participation in the different phases.

     Last but not the least; with lovers’ day 14th February 2009 just around the corner, we shall auction a SAINT VALENTINE CAKE in the course of the gala night: couples and non couples are invited to partake in this sublime expression of love.

     In as much as we cannot pretend to substitute Government by what we intend to do, we plead that you help us help our ALMA MATER and your efforts shall be documented for posterity:

That is they story of our ALMA MATER—G.H.S Nyasoso.

You are welcomed and thanks for your kind attention and show of concern.


Col. Sone Ajang Joseph


Thursday, March 26, 2009

NEXSAN Activities of February 2009


1.THE FUNDRAISING GALA DANCE: Since the start of this year 2009, salient milestones have successively succeeded each other in the life of our Association. Though the successions do not resemble, they shared a common timing by taking place on the 7th which reminds one of God resting on the 7th day after his work of creation. Remember that on January 7th 2009 we had our Association legalized. Last February 7th, we successfully realized the fundraising gala dance despite the financial trying times around. This likeness in dates was less out of calculation than of coincidence. The gala was a night like none before for both NEXSA and their guests at the prestigious Bonanjo Party House.
     An impressive and eclectic assemblage of NEXSANs, batch-wise and chapter-wise, partook in and of the occasion that was graced by important guests the host chapter members invited using their friendship, influence and connections. Batch-wise, NEXSANs varied from 1st batch with the likes of Oro Margaret and Epie Zachary to juvenile batches composed of university students. Chapter-wise, all chapters were powerfully and numerically present with Fombi Fred Fondang leading the Bamenda delegation, President Ekome Samme leading the Dschang University delegation, Vice President Mwanja Samuel leading the Yaounde delegation, Tata Dorothy Forsac leading the Buea delegation, President Ebah Ntoko leading the Limbe delegation, Vice President Baiye Andu leading the Kumba delegation, President Ejolle Prisco leading the Tombel delegation, President Epie Zachary leading the Nyasoso delegation, President Etube Valentine leading the Ngusi delegation and Kome Etone Elvis leading the Bangem delegation. GHS Nyasoso was represented by the Vice Principal, Mr. Nkwelle Alex. Kumba, Tombel, Nyasoso, Ngusi and Bangem hired two coaster buses to and fro Douala .
Though the occasion started slightly behind the scheduled 8:30 PM because of intermittent light outages, it generally rolled seamlessly till dawn in accordance with the meticulously prepared programme that featured addresses from the Chairman of the night Mr. Ngujede of CAMTEL and, National President Lt. Col. Sone Ajang; presentation of the National EXEC; cutting and auctioning cake; launching of NEXSA magazine; sketches; feasting and dancing; and gospel musical presentation by NEXSA’s Rev. Pastor Ndando Nelson. The ceremony kicked off with the latter and Nyasoso-based colleague, Rev. Pastor Dibo leading in prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God for the revival of NEXSA and its growth from strength to strength.
The pith of the Chairman’s speech “People sit to brain storm to develop what does not personally belong to them. If what we have seen ends only here, we shall see that we have succeeded… The more you give the more you have, the more you take the less you have because the little you have will be taken from you and given to those who have. To which group do you belong? Those who give will have tenfold on Monday, and that the value of a people is measured by the traces they leave behind” spurred up the eagerness with which guests cut the cake, with the Chairman himself kick starting with the sum of 100.000 FRS (One Hundred Thousand Francs) CFA. NEXSA’s President’s befitting address, in sum and substance, hinged on “sacrifice and magnanimity”. The entirety of his speech is attached. The highest single donation of the fundraising night was 500.000 FRS (Five Hundred Thousand Francs) CFA and it came from a NEXSAN who requested for anonymity. The take-home of the fundraising amounted to 1.019.000 FRS (One Million Nineteen Thousand Francs) CFA. The detailed accounts of credit versus debit of the largely pre-financed gala will be the subject of a separate posting from the Financial Secretary. Because levies were trickling in late, some committed and courageous NEXSANs, just like for the Buea convention, had to pre-financed this gala. Funds raised that night came from chapter contributions, cutting and auctioning of cakes and launching of the “ashuabi” and magazine. Meanwhile, there were pledges too, of which a NEXSAN, Ebong Chrisantus, who is the Director of Premier Medical, on 28 Feb. during their Douala Chapter meeting redeemed his by submitting through his Chapter, a brand new electronic microscope worth 850.000 FRS (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Francs) CFA. It is worth noting that Premier Medical, for solidarity reasons, was also among three “NEXSAN” own businesses that bought advertisement space in the NEXSA magazine; the other two being Bume Ada’s Ets.BANO PLUS and Zuma Veronica’s BBCS.
The launchings of the “ashuabi” and the magazine are worth spotlighting. The generality described the uniform as “cool”, what with the motifs, logo, motto “Mater et Amor Nostra”, slogan “Great NEXSA Great NEXSAN” set against a vegetative green background that tell a story of the Nyasoso village as well as of GHS. The strategy of launching was that of using the National EXEC to clad in the uniform at the item programmed for their presentation and they (the EXECs) really looked and felt cool in the outfit which they had sewn to individual taste. The unveiling of the high quality content and material magazine was greeted with staring eyes of wonderment. Many bought their “ashuabi” and copies of the magazine on the spot! Our oncern on the home front is how to make available the ashuabi, magazine and mufflers to the Diaspora.
It was also a night of side attractions when Cameroon ’s best TV comedian, in his sketch, mimicked President Paul Biya in gait, demeanour and speech to give us some moments of rib-splitting laughs no one could resist! There was food and drinks aplenty. The later half of the night got lighter with dancing after top makossa artiste, Narcisse Price, broke the ice with his latest LP. How interesting it was to behold NEXSANs live out dancing till dawn though on a mellowed cadence because of age.
The coordination of the good times that rolled from dusk to dawn was ensured by Ebong Balbina and Ebong-Pende Divine not in their capacities as Deputy Secretary General and Public Relations but as toast mistress and master respectively. While the former held the audience’s attention with her down-to-earth limpid and lyrical articulation of the Queen’s language, the latter complemented her efforts with smooth alternation of Shakespeare’s diction and Victor Hugo’s elocution thereby epitomizing NEXSA as the quintessence of English/French bilingualism in Cameroon . The guests, to a degree bilingual but largely of French speaking expression, nodded their heads at the greatness of NEXSA further portrayed by the service of this twosome.
Take the most sought after party venue (the Bonanjo Party House) of Cameroon’s economic capital Douala, handed to a highly recognized catering enterprise for board and decoration, which decoration was further enhanced by NEXSA’s Zumafor Veronica’s complexly layered cake, and add salt-of-the- earth guests, you get the matrix that NEXSA stirred on February 7th 2009 to raise the above mentioned funds. But pictures speak more than words, it would be worth watching the minutiae and glitz and glitter of the occasion as captured and recorded by NEXSA’s very own professional Tabi Emmanuel Tita. While awaiting the CDs, find attached a few telling pictures of the events.
2.RE-GREENING OF GHS NYASOSO: Messrs. Epie Zachary and Esong Jacob are spearheading the rehabilitation of the greenery of our Alma Mater. They have so far done considerable underground work of clearing and extending the arboretum as well as having its layout. They have even extended their studies to include the whole campus starting from the entrance at the village. They intend to without delay engage the next phase which involves planting in order to take advantage of the impending rainy season. Esong Jacob, from personal pocket, has made several trips from Tombel his base to flower/plant bank at Mile 14 near Buea to assess and canvas for planting species of flowers, ornamentals and plants to be raised in a nursery he and Zachary will have made on Nyasoso campus. Drawing from his wealth of skills and knowledge, Jacob assisted by Zachary would plant masquerade trees (willow-like trees) scientifically called Polyathia pendulata whose branches/leaves point earth ward on both sides of the entrance to the campus and also to replace the eucalyptus trees on campus that have been felled for fuel wood. They intend to plant rows of the other specie called Polyathia longifolia, whose branches and leaves point sky ward, on the edge of the football field bordering the village. They will plant flowers and ornamentals around the Administrative block, chapel, refectory and classroom blocks, using human investment from the students. In the arboretum they will plant indigenous trees and arbusters of economic and didactic value. It is an arduous task that needs the weight of the Association as a whole and may even move from the side line to the mainstream of projects as well as from long term to immediate attention since a contribution like this will easily be identified as a NEXSAN initiative and undertaking. Tanyi Gerard, Ewane James, EpieMelle Wilson, Sanga Peter and Epie Felix, are you there? Esong Jacob and Epie Zachary would surely be most glad to get your reactions to these updates on the re-greening of the campus. Henceforth, the duo of Jacob and Zachary would directly inform the community of the progress of this lofty initiative.
3.PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS: This February month registered a bitter-sweet moment for our Association. Great Elung Paul was replaced as Director of the State Treasury and is waiting in the wings probably for a flight to greater heights; let us keep our fingers crossed. On the other, on the eve of the above described fund raising gala dance, President Paul Biya signed a decree appointing Lt. Col. Sone Ajang Joseph to a sub-director within the profile of military magistracy thereby moving him from the rank of Chief of Service in Douala to Central Administrative setup in Yaounde .
EHABEJerry Nnange

Saturday, March 21, 2009



« Mindful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general and the Cameroonian Law relating to the freedom of Association in particular.
« Mindful of the creation of G.S.S. Nyasoso in 1974 and its evolution till date;
« Mindful of the unity that characterizes all the ex-students of the said institution, unity based on the unique academic spinal cord;
« Mindful of the much-needed solidarity among all the ex-students and the natural necessity to uphold our ALMA MATER;
We the Alumni of G.S.S. Nyasoso and G.H.S. Nyasoso have decided to uphold this academic peculiarity by forming an association named Nyasoso Ex-students Association herein called NEXSA.




1.1 Alma Mater shall refer to the school G.S.S now G.H.S Nyasoso where the alumni studied.
1.2 Alumni shall mean all the ex-students who studied in G.S.S and or G.H.S Nyasoso.
1.3 Association shall mean a group of people having a common purpose or interest.
1.4 Branch shall mean a geographical circumscription with at least ten (10) registered members. The numerical criterion may be reviewed if need be.
1.5 Community discussions shall mean the dialogue on the Cyber forum.
1.6 Cyber forum shall mean the virtual forum on the Internet via the Association’s website.
1.7 DIASPORA shall mean the Alumni that reside out of the country.
1.8 Ex-officio members shall mean members not elected into the National Executive but are members of the National Executive by right of their office.
1.9 Internet shall mean the Information Technology super highway.
1.10 Member shall mean a duly registered ex-student of the Association.
1.11 NEXSAN shall mean an ex-student G.S.S. or G.H.S Nyasoso ex-student who is duly registered in the Association.
1.12 Sub-branch shall mean a geographical circumscription that has less than ten (10) registered members.
1.13 The word branch shall be synonymous to chapter and can be used interchangeably in the Association’s documentation.


2.1 The official name of the Association shall be Nyasoso Ex-students’
Association with the acronym NEXSA.

2.2 The said name and its abbreviation shall remain the exclusive right of its members.

2.3 The Association shall have a logo. The logo shall comprise the following features: A graphic of Mount Kupe in the background with the sun rising behind it, dispelling the morning clouds and, birds in flight. In the middle of the Mountain shall be two NEXSANs greeting in the “Bakossi style”, one of the NEXSANs a male and the other a female to depict the unisex nature of the school. At the base and in front of the Mountain shall be an open book with a pen writing “NEXSA” in it, indicative of the location of the School at the very foot of the Mountain. The Motto “Mater et Amor Nostra” shall be inscribed between the base of the Mountain and the open book. The motto shall mean “Our Mother and Our Love”. To the left of the Mountain shall be a tree, symbol of lush vegetation.

3.1 The seat of the Association shall be in Nyasoso – Tombel Sub Division in the South-West Region. The day-to-day running of the organization shall be done where the National Executive find themselves and this may not be Nyasoso.


4.1 To uphold the ALMA MATER;

4.3 To assist the School Authorities in their academic and administrative
endeavours geared towards excellence.

4.4 To network for the progress and general welfare of registered Alumni.
The Association is non-political.


5.1.1 Membership into NEXSA shall be open to all the former students of
G.S.S. and or G.H.S. Nyasoso by registration through branch of


5.2.1 Each Branch or Sub-Branch shall sub-define membership by their
internal rules and regulations and as inspired by the provisions of
the constitution. However, no such definition shall be derogatory to
the present prescription.

5.2.2 The Association shall operate through branches and sub-branches.
However, any geographical circumscription with less than 10 active members within a considerable distance from an branch shall constitute a sub-branch.

5.2.3 NEXSANS abroad shall be grouped into the following main branches:
Africa, Europe, America and Asia. In any case, they, on their volition,
can identify with any Home branch.

5.2.4 The coordination of NEXSAN activities abroad with such branches shall be via the General Secretariat in liaison with the NEXSA Vice President in charge of the Diaspora.


6.1 Registration of members shall be done through branches following
modalities herein defined.

6.2 A duly registered member in a branch shall automatically become a
member of the general body.

6.3 The Association shall have a General Assembly. The Assembly shall comprise all duly registered members.



7.1.1 The General Assembly shall sit twice a year: in the months of JUNE
and DECEMBER. However, the National Executive may re-schedule at
such times as convenience necessitates.

7.1.2 At general assemblies only duly registered members shall have
voting rights. A NEXSAN who is not duly registered shall have only a
participant-observer status but without any franchise (voting rights).
Each branch shall ensure the up-datedness of its membership.

7.1.3 The National Executive shall choose the branch that shall host General Assembly. The National Executive and the hosting executive shall define the organizational modalities.

7.1.4 A quorum shall be attained when 2/3 of its members are present.
Decisions shall be by simple majority. However, any decisions arrived at by any branch of the DIASPORA shall be tabled in the General Assembly for consideration.

7.1.5 The General Assembly shall have extra-ordinary sessions if and
when circumstances do warrant. Such sessions shall be either at the behest of the National Executive or a reasoned motion tabled by a 2/3 majority members.



8.1 Election to posts of responsibility in the Association shall be done in the General Assembly either directly or through an electoral college.

8.2 In the event of an election, members shall constitute a 2/3 majority of the branches. Voting shall be by secret ballot.

8.3 In the event of election through an electoral college, each recognized branch as of the time of elections shall send ten (10) delegates to the college;
Three polling officials shall be elected in the General Assembly and voting shall be on the same scheme as stated in Article 8.4.

8.4 Elections may be held during an ordinary or extra-ordinary General Assembly.



9.1.1 NEXSA shall be managed by:
· The General Assembly as the sovereign organ and,
· The National Executive as the executive organ.

9.1.2 The General Assembly shall be held at such times, conditions and
circumstances as spelt in chapter 7 above.
In the event of elections, the conditions and modalities shall be as
spelt out as spelt out as in chapter 8 above.

9.1.3 The National Executive shall coordinate activities and initiate
projects for the interest of the Alma Mater and the Association. She shall through the secretariat, be kept abreast with the latest and potent developments in each branch.

9.1.4 The National Executive shall hold quarterly sessions every
calendar year during which branches shall submit a report of their activities. The National Executive shall choose any branch to host its meetings.


9.2.1 The national executive shall comprise the following positions:
The President.
The Vice Presidents.
The Secretary General.
The Assistant Secretary General.
The Treasurer.
The Financial Secretary.
Two (2) Publicity Secretaries.
Two (2) Social Secretaries.
Two (2) Legal Advisers.
Two (2) Technical Advisers.
The Protocol official.
The Website Moderator (Ex-officio member).
The Branch Presidents (Ex-officio members).

9.2.2 The National Executive has a mandate of three (03) calendar years

9.2.3 The National Executive shall execute the decisions arrived at in the General Assembly.

9.2.4 The National Executive shall contribute to the activities of any branch.


9.3.1 The functions of members of the National Executive are benevolent.

9.3.2: The President. The duties of the President shall comprise the following:
Shall run the affairs of the National Executive and by extension, those of the General Assembly.
Shall preside at meetings.
Shall be the mouth-piece of the Association in public matters and shall represent (alone or accompanied) the Association in official meetings, forums, etc. In their absence, the powers and responsibilities conferred on them are delegated to the 1st Vice-President or the 2nd if the first is also absent.

9.3.3: The Secretary-General. The duties of the Secretary-General shall comprise the following:
o Shall be entrusted with the Secretarial duties of the Association. He shall liaise with the President to prepare meetings and ensure the safe storage of the records of the Association.
o Shall be the Cyber forum digester in order to keep track of the Association’s activities on the Internet.

9.3.4: The Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer shall comprise the following:
o Shall ensure the temporary storage of any funds belonging to the Association until they are deposited in the Association’s account. They shall work in liaison with the Financial Secretary and especially the President with regard to disbursements of sums authorized by the latter.
o If the Treasurer is unavailable for a prolonged period, the National Executive shall delegate someone to carry out their functions in the interim.

9.3.5: The Financial Secretary. The duties of the Financial Secretary shall comprise the following:
Shall be the financial recorder and custodian of the financial activities of the Association. They shall also be the financial recorder of the activities of the President and the Treasurer when these two are acting as representatives of Association.
Shall submit a comprehensive financial statement/report during each General Assembly except otherwise required.
In order to facilitate such accounts/reports, each financial transaction shall be well documented.

9.3.6: The Legal Advisers. The duties of the Legal Advisers shall comprise the following:
Shall advise the National Executive on legal matters to minimize any incidental prejudices on the Association as well as simplify any implications.

9.3.7: The Technical Advisers. The duties of the Technical Advisers shall comprise the following:
They shall be directly attached to the President and shall advise him on all matters relating to the welfare of the Association. They shall carry out special functions that the President shall assign to them.

9.3.8: The Public Relations. The duties of the Public Relations shall comprise the following:
Be in charge of creating, promoting or maintaining a favourable relationship between the Association and the public.

9.3.9: The Social Secretary. The duties of the Social Secretary shall comprise the following:
Shall be responsible for the arrangement of the Association’s social events.

9.3.10: The Website Moderator. The duties of the Website Moderator shall comprise the following:
o develop and manage the Association’s web content online.
o manage and develop the look and feel of the Association’s online presence.
o act as moderator for forums, mailing lists or other collaborative tools.
o participate or monitor and moderate community discussions.
o liaise with the General Secretariat to facilitate publishing of specific data to the web.
o update the web content on periodic basis based on changes in the Association.

9.3.11: The Branch Presidents.
o The Branch Presidents shall act as a to-and-fro link between the National Executive and the Branches to ensure a smooth flow of information and resolutions.

9.3.12: The Surrogates. The duties of the Surrogates shall comprise of the following:
o They shall represent those they deputize when the latter are not available for a prolonged period.
o If, for one reason or the other the post of those they deputize is vacant they shall carry out their principal duties until the General Assembly sits on the matter to confirm them.

9.3.13: The Protocol Official. The duties of the Protocol Officer shall comprise of the following:
o They shall have to ensure the formal etiquette and code of behaviour, precedence and procedure for ceremonies.

9.3.14: The Auditors.

o Independent ad hoc auditors shall be called upon once a year to audit the financial records of the Association.
o In the case of an emergency, the General Assembly or any branch may tender a motion to solicit the designation of auditors to whom the Association’s accounts documents shall be readily made available for auditing to permit the smooth functioning of the Association.

9.3.15: The General Assembly shall vote a budget for running the
executive offices and for procuring administrative materials for the secretariat.

9.3.16 The National Executive shall hold quarterly sessions every
calendar year during which branches shall submit a report of their activities. The National Executive shall choose any branch to host such meetings.



10.1 The Association shall obtain financing from the following sources:
o Annual registration of members through their branches.
Monthly operational funding from each branch.
Fines, as defined by the National Executive.
Interests accruing to savings in the bank.

10.2 Specific levies, dues, fines and contributions shall be the subject of a FINANCE ORDER that shall be separate documentation with referral link to the constitution through this article. Corporate and social activities that the Association shall engage in to generate funds for her sustainability shall also be elaborated in the Finance Order.

10.3 The National Executive shall be the custodian of funds from 10.1 and 10.2 above.

10.4 No degree of emergency shall warrant unilateral withdrawal of funds from the account.

10.5 The members of the National Executive are jointly or severally liable in case of mismanagement of resources.

10.6 Legal action or any other due process shall be used to recover such funds or provoke accountability.

10.7 The President, the Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall open an account in the name of the Association with any recognized, viable and readily accessible financial institution.
The three executive members shall be joint signatories to the said account. Cash withdrawals from this account shall be legitimated by the signature of the President, the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary or the President and either the Treasurer or the Financial Secretary.
Except otherwise prescribed and based on documentary proof, the National Executive shall through the signatories to the Association’s account disburse such sums as are necessary for the fulfillment of the requirements laid down in Chapters 4 and 5 above.

11.1 Assistance in the events of joy or sorrow shall be defined by each branch’s internal rules and regulations.

11.2 Any branch that deems it necessary to involve the National Executive in such an event affecting any of her members, shall address a plea to the National Secretariat.

11.3 Any events that affect the Alma Mater shall attract the assistance of
the National Executive which shall seat at the President’s behest to appraise the extent of NEXSA intervention.


12.1 The Association shall mete out sanctions to any member guilty of indiscipline or other faults.

12.2 Sanctions shall range from payment of defined sums to suspensions.

12.3 In the case of misconduct of a member, sanctions to be meted out shall be warning(s), blame, suspensions and or fines. The sanctions shall be meted out by Executive Bureau.

12.4 There shall be no sanction without prior query.


13.1 Any amendments to this constitutions shall debated and sanctioned by a 75 % majority vote during a General Assembly session.


14.1 A decision to dissolve this Association shall be taken only during a
General Assembly session and must be sanctioned by an 80% majority vote.
In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly shall officially appoint a liquidator to liquidate the Association’s assets and pay out outstanding debts. What is got from the liquidation shall be donated to the Alma Mater.


15. 1 Branches shall draw up bye-laws where necessary to expatiate on some of the provisions of the present constitution.